Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Beg Your Pardon? Eat What?

APRIL FOOLS DAY! A day for fools or to be fooled! Even in paradise! If you are now in the Seychelles this day...... keep an eye in front and 'behind' you as well! (Mind your wandering eye for those other 'behinds' though)

Now you may think that you are looking at someone's pair of boxing gloves painted green in honour of St. Patrick's day. If this is what you were thinking then you are incorrect but that is ok.

Rather you are looking at a 'Natural Wonder' a Jack Fruit, found all over the islands and a tasty treat to sample! By the way Jack Fruits are usually much larger and in one piece found high up in the Jack Fruit tree. Photo from Derek Savy of Club Elite / Classified Destinations, in the Seychelles.

* I myself thought it looked like a 'prickly' little bum! But that is me!

Enjoy many 'Natural Wonders' in the Seychelles Islands!


  1. Love Jackfruit. We get fresh jackfruit in Mumbai and it's delicious! Would love to visit Seychelles one day! Have a good one!

  2. OK, but you've got to agree that it's an "acquired" taste. The smell for a start is a definite put-off. That said, there are countless other delicious fruits in Sez !
